Academic Support

By committing to be students of our students, teachers at Central examine the mystery of each child. We appreciate the different types of intelligence and provide all students with multiple ways to demonstrate their knowledge throughout the school year through differentiation in the classroom. From creative projects, verbal presentations, experiential field trips, Keynote designs, iMovies, written manuscripts, and traditional tests and quizzes, students use an array of opportunities to reveal their learning.

List of 2 items.

  • Student Support Team

    An essential part of every students’ learning process involves struggling and making mistakes. We celebrate when students find mistakes and fix them or overcome challenges before them. This is an expected part of their journey to independent and critical thinking. Additionally, when students have trouble overcoming a challenge it’s our job to intervene early and adjust our teaching and instruction to better support individual students. At Central, our support system is the Student Support Team, or SST.

    The SST is a positive, team-oriented approach set up to support students as they encounter roadblocks in the learning process. The team uses data such as observations, assessments, and classroom work in a problem-solving approach to further examine a student’s academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs. Depending on the child’s needs and strengths, appropriate strategies or interventions are developed for the classroom teacher to implement while continuously monitoring student progress.

    The Student Support Team consists of the Director of Academics, the Director of Student Growth, and the student's grade-level teachers.
  • Long-Term Support

    Central students may also participate in long-term support through our Learning Center when the instruction of the regular classroom and Student Support Team do not meet all of their needs. These students either have a 22:6 Plan of accommodations or an Individual Student Plan (ISP). Learning Specialists collaborate with classroom teachers to carry out the accommodations and/or modifications necessary to ensure a child's academic success, as outlined in the 22:6 Plan or the ISP.

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Emily Treadwell

    Emily Treadwell 
