Gifted Enrichment

A key component to successful differentiation at Central is Horizons, our enrichment program which meets the needs of gifted learners across four grade levels (3rd-6th grades). Horizons develops key skills such as information processing, critical and creative thinking, problem solving, communication, and affective development by providing unique experiences beyond the regular classroom. Gifted education at Central exists to meet the needs of advanced learners by focusing more on skills developed rather than content explored. Students are equipped for the journey of lifelong learning as they’re challenged to ask big questions, connect well with self and others, and persevere.

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  • Affective Development

    Because the social-emotional component of a gifted learner’s life is incredibly important, affective skills, like healthy independence, teamwork, empathy, and objective thinking in social interactions, are emphasized in Horizons. Students learn how people are uniquely designed and then work on a small team to experience how those designs impact interaction. They're guided toward self-awareness as they analyze their own habits, preferences, and annoyances before setting goals. From speaking up more during group work to giving others a chance to talk first, students also grow in their collaboration and develop life skills.

    In one specific Horizons unit, while exploring the effects of brain injuries, students are challenged to not fear what is different, but to demonstrate love. And in another specific unit, while learning detective skills, they learn how biases and subjectivity can impact thinking, reactions, and interpretations of situations.

    We understand that the world is rapidly changing. Horizons is one avenue at Central that prepares students to jump in and thrive, be thought-leaders and innovate, recognize and develop their gifts, tackle their struggles, and use their talents for good.
  • Technology

    Technology implementation in Horizons focuses on learning goals, tool discernment, learner needs, and real-world impact. In addition to being used for meaningful purposes, it helps students develop healthy autonomy. Utilizing various creative problem solving tools to address specific brain issues, 5th Grade students use this technology model to develop an iBook. By publishing iBooks in the iBookstore where health professionals can access them, students can begin to understand that they’re not too young to contribute their ideas to the real world. Additionally, exposure to robotics and coding contributes to an environment rich in critical and creative thinking.

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  • Photo of Vicky Hauser

    Vicky Hauser 
